

Grow in the security of Jesus' love and care

Celebrate God's love in worship

Thank God for the world He has made

Know that Jesus gives people to love and care for them

Know that Jesus died on the cross and rose again for them because He loves them

Recite simple prayers

                                                   Praise God with music and singing

Language Artsbooks3

"Read" picture books

"Read" from left to right

Recognize and write their name

Identify letters in their name

Listen to stories and retell stories

Identify upper and lower case letters and sounds of

the alphabet

Make simple words by sounding out beginning,

middle and end sounds

Recognize rhyming words

Math and Science

Count to 20 using one to one correspondance

Identify numerals 1-20

Classify, match and pattern objects

Compare and contrast using simple graphsmath2

Practice sequencing pictures

Identify simple shapes

Identify basic colors

Demonstrate the use of all five senses

Identify the day of the week and month we are

Learn the four seasons of the year

Talk about the weather and seasonal changes

Discuss the life cycle of some plants and animals

Practice positional concepts

Identify different parts of their body

Learn healthy habits

                                                                         Social Skills

                                                                  Describe their feelings

play2Understand that others have feelings

Play cooperatively with others

Share with others

Talk about their family and friends

Share items from home in front of the class

Learn to follow directions

Practice problem solving skills





Use their imaginations to create drawings and paintings

Work with play dough

Make weekly crafts connected to the letter of the week


Large Motor Skills

Move as directed

Throw and catch a ball

Recognize that movement is fun

Explore play with a parachute

© 2025 Prince of Peace Preschool
Connected Sound - Websites for the Barbershop Community